The Options Trading World has Been Changed... Again -- Disruptive Technology Unveiled: Livevol® Execution is Here

While we believe this to be the most widely read options trading blog in the world, there's one thing I have never done for you -- the readers -- and that's talk about execution. We all know I post analysis and snapshots from LIVEVOL® Pro (LVP), after all, this is the Livevol® blog.

But aside from that, I believe that LVP is the best options trading analytics platform in the world -- I have used it to trade for years, including when I was a market maker on the NYSE ARCA options floor and well before I was affiliated with the company LIVEVOL® in any way.

Today, I believe LIVEVOL® has changed the trading world... again. Livevol® Execution (Livevol X) is now available to anyone.

We believe this to be one of those rare few moments when a new technology is introduced and is so disruptive, that it changes... everything.

Take all of the analytics and design of LVP and imagine that turned into a trading station that can flow onto multiple monitors, be broken down into single customizable elements and then add this:

Regular Way Execution
Complex Order Tickets and Execution
Advanced Vol Tracking
3-D Risk Charts
Vol Shocks
Direct market access, SMART routing, equity and option algorithms
Incredibly Powerful Portfolio Management
Skew Chart Execution

And a lot more...

Wanna see LVX?... Give the eight minute movie below a watch. My best guess is, in eight minutes and thirty seconds, you'll be calling Livevol for more information (don't forget to tell them you found it through the blog). This trading application is incredible -- but you don't have to take my word for it, just take a look for yourself.

 -- Livevol X 8-Minute Demo

-- Livevol X Information Page

This is trade analysis, not a recommendation.

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