So friend I offer you this one piece of advice - I say it once and you will not hear it twice.

There’s something that’s not quite right –
There’s one thing that remains my endless fight.

Touch me, feel me, push me around –
But don’t just stand there while I lie on the ground.

I taste your blood stained grin dripping with ache –
You circle me defenseless barely awake.

Take me with intensity and rage –
Do with me what you want just free me from my cage.

How can you fear me I lie alone –
My mind tattered and body stuck in stone.

Rise above me once and for all –
You have your chance to cause my fall.

Now your apprehension and suspense makes me question –
Can you not read my lifeless expression?

But you waited, and now I’ve returned.

Not your pacing and not your stare –
but my awakening and my glare.

Not your imposition and not your will –
but my encumbrance and my thrill.

You left a weakened soldier too long to recover –
You now find something even I could not discover.

Now I am awakened and am ready to war –
My birr returns and my passion once more.

It was not your way that woke me this time –
It was this silly little day and this silly little rhyme.

Buried and lost, left for dead –
Only a moment’s gasp hanging by a thread.

Now you see the improbable return –
Of a warrior’s heart and soul’s burn.

So friend I offer you this one piece of advice –
I say it once and you will not hear it twice.

Step back and caution my howling bay –
I am back from the dead, I am back today.

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